2nd International Symposium on Chemical Proteomics in Drug Discovery
1月14日 周日
January 14, 2024
2F 百家湖厅
Lakehome Nanjing
Baijiahu Hall
开幕式 Opening Ceremony
9:00-9:10Introduction to CPU and presenting the Talent Recruitment Policy钟文英 中国药科大学人事处处长
Wenying Zhong   Director of Human Resources at China Pharmaceutical University
主题报告 Plenary Lectures   
主持人:郝海平 Moderator: Haiping Hao
9:10-9:55Understanding how drugs work using proteomicsBernhard Kuster 慕尼黑工业大学教授
Professor of Technical University of Munich
9:55-10:40Metabolic bionics guided target identification and drug discovery郝海平 中国药科大学教授
Haiping Hao   Professor of China Pharmaceutical University
10:40-11:00拍照 & 茶歇
Group Photo & Tea Break
11:00-11:30Leveraging surfaceome nanoscale organization for theranosticsBernd Wollscheid 苏黎世联邦理工学院教授
Professor of ETH Zürich
11:30-12:00Programming and reprogramming of aging刘光慧 中国科学院动物研究所研究员
Guang-hui Liu   Professor of Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
主题一:化学蛋白质组学助力药物设计 Sessions I: Chemoproteomics-aided Drug Design
主持人:陈芸 南京医科大学教授 Moderator: Yun Chen   Professor of Nanjing Medical University
14:00-14:25Rational design for first-in-class inhibitors of APC-Asef interaction against colorectal cancer migration张健 上海交通大学教授
Jian Zhang   Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University
14:25-14:50Targeted protein degradation technology and applications饶燏 清华大学教授
Yu Rao   Professor of Tsinghua University
14:50-15:15Exploiting cryptic binding sites for the development of chemical probes with unconventional mechanisms of actionMadeline Kavanagh 莱顿大学化学研究所助理教授
   Assistant Professor of Leiden University
15:15-15:40Applications of the Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA) in drug discoveryDaniel Martinez Molina   Pelago首席科学家
CSO of Pelago Bioscience
15:40-15:55茶歇 Tea Break
主题二:新型治疗靶点 Sessions II: Novel Therapeutic Targets
主持人:陈瑞冰 天津大学教授 Moderator: Ruibing Chen   Professor of Tianjin University
15:55-16:20Chemical proteomics approaches to decode histone epigenetics李祥 香港大学教授
Xiang David Li   Professor of University of Hong Kong
16:20-16:45Novel protein ADP-riboxanation and its roles in bacterial infection刘小云 北京大学副教授
Xiaoyun Liu   Associate Professor of Peking University
16:45-17:10Design and use of phosphonate handles in activity-based protein profilingWei Wu 新加坡国立大学副教授
Associate Professor of National University of Singapore
17:10-17:35Chemical biology-based drug discovery for untargeted kinases邓贤明 厦门大学教授
Xianming Deng   Professor of Xiamen University
17:35-18:00Toward high-speed, high-sensitivity and in-depth analysis of the human proteoformsYasushi Ishihama 京都大学教授
Professor of Kyoto University
1月15日 周一
January 15, 2024
2F 百家湖厅
Lakehome Nanjing
Baijiahu Hall
主题三:新兴化学蛋白质组技术 Sessions III: Emerging Chemoproteomic Technologies
主持人:江德臣 南京大学教授 Moderator: Dechen Jiang   Professor of Nanjing University
9:00-9:25PELSA, a method enables proteome-scale identification of the protein targets and binding regions of diverse ligands叶明亮 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所研究员
Mingliang Ye   Professor of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
9:25-9:50Clinical chemical proteomics田瑞军 南方科技大学教授
Ruijun Tian   Professor of
Southern University of Science and Technology
9:50-10:15Proteomic characterization of protein post-translational modifications identifies therapeutic opportunities谭敏佳 中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员
Minjia Tan   Professor of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
10:15-10:35Applications of proximity labeling in peroxisome biology庄敏 上海科技大学副教授
Min Zhuang   Associate Professor of ShanghaiTech University
10:35-10:50茶歇 Tea Break
10:50-11:10Development and applications of mechanism-based protease substrate traps唐姗 中国科学技术大学教授
Shan Tang   Professor of University of Science and Technology of China
11:10-11:30Chemical editing and directed evolution of proteins王杰 南方科技大学助理教授
Jie Wang   Assistant Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology
11:30-11:50Development of pan-Bcl-2 PPI inhibitors---integration of new targets discovery and new drug screening张志超 大连理工大学教授
Zhi-chao Zhang   Professor of Dalian University of Technology
11:50-12:10Dynamic mapping of proteome trafficking within and between living cells by TransitID秦为 清华大学助理教授
Wei Qin   Assistant Professor of Tsinghua University
主题四:化学蛋白质组图谱 Sessions IV: Chemical Proteome Profiling
主持人:田瑞军 Moderator: Ruijun Tian
14:00-14:20Development of dual covalent inhibitors targeting Kras G12D and Kras G12C李正球 暨南大学教授
Zhengqiu Li   Professor of Jinan University
14:20-14:40Novel mechanism-based warheads for labeling of -SH and -SOH in proteome倪锋 宁波大学教授
Feng Ni   Professor of Ningbo University
14:40-15:00Pyridinium-based cationic-salt strategy for selective chemoproteomic profiling王蕊 深圳湾实验室助理研究员
Rui Wang   Assistant Professor of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
15:00-15:20Singlet oxygen-based proximity labeling and functional histidine global profiling李刚 深圳湾实验室特聘研究员
Gang Li   Assistant Professor of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
15:20-15:40Mapping responsive targets of signaling proteins by TRAP叶慧 中国药科大学教授
Hui Ye   Professor of China Pharmaceutical University
15:40-15:55茶歇 Tea Break
15:55-16:25圆桌讨论 Panel discussion
16:25-16:40闭幕式 Closing Ceremony